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Selectmen Minutes 02/12/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 12, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: John Martell, Emergency Management Director, Patrick Clarke, Police Chief, Gilbert Vien, Fire Chief, John Uitts, Deputy Fire Chief, Stephen Stock, Forest Fire Warden, Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector, Mike Paveglio, Assistant Building Inspector

PD – Chief Clarke introduced prospective candidate for the full time opening, Dan York to the Board.
Chief Clarke made a proposal to purchase the police cruiser this year from revenues remaining in the Police Detail Special Revenue Account.  Chairman Colbert signed the paperwork for the Highway Safety Grant.  The need for a policy regarding on call time for the police department and or all town personnel was discussed.  Chairman Colbert and Selectmen DeBold were not opposed to the idea and asked Pat to check the labor laws and the Local government Center for assistance.

Pat updated the Board on the situation with the snowmobiles riding in the ditch lines along Center Road.  Pat has contacted two snowmobile clubs, NH Traildawgs and Bee Hole Beavers regarding this violation and has also contacted NH Fish & Game.  Signage and barricades have been put in place to re-direct the snowmobiles to the trail. The trail behind Walt Sanborn’s house is being groomed so the sleds should be able to use it now.

BI – Mr. Paveglio has written his stipulations to be included in the settlement proposal for 763 Second Street.  The attorney is reviewing and the Board needs to do the same.  

An update on the King Road situation, finds the Daniels family has moved in to the dwelling.  All life safety issues have been taken care of; however the occupancy permit has not been issued.  The fire department needs to inspect the furnace installation. Chief Vien will make it a point to contact the homeowner.  When the occupancy permit is issued, it shall state the house is not to be occupied as a duplex.  

FFW – Tools are still coming in for the forestry truck.  Tool chests have been found at the station will be used to house the tools on both forestry trucks. Warden Stock requested an addendum to the minutes of January 22, 2008, in which he asked the fire Chief if any other former members of the fire department were sent the same letter he was regarding the wearing of fire department logo clothing.  The response from Chief Vien was no.  

In regards to the Town’s Winter Maintenance Policy, Mr. Stock asked the Board to define right of way.  Chairman Colbert explained, its dependant on the original layout of the road, the rights of way vary from road to road.   

Mr. Stock asked for the reason of warrant article #34, regarding making the Board of Selectmen agents for the Forestry Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund.  Neither the Warden nor the Fire Chief put in this request.
Lisa put this on the draft as a housekeeping item up for discussion by the Board for inclusion on the warrant.  Final discussion on the warrant is this evening.

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BOS minutes
February 12, 2008

FD – The department has four new members.  Additional turnout gear will have to be purchased.  The Chief requested the expenditure of $8,068 from Impact Fees do to the growth of the department.  The Board asked for comparison prices prior to making a decision.

Deputy Chief Uitts updated the Board regarding the insurance claim for water damage at the station.  The insurance adjuster has inspected the station and Servpo was called out to determine the moisture content, if any in the walls.  There is a small amount of sheetrock and insulation in the corner of the Chief’s office that will have to be replaced.  This cost is under $1,000.  The roof furnace is not working and is not repairable.  Rymes is looking into a replacement system.  For now the inside doors to the bays is open to allow heat to circulate in the other parts of the station.  Options are being looked at to replace in kind or install individual room units.

EMD – Nothing to report his evening. Workshop for Public Health Preparedness is scheduled for February 26, 2008 with the Selectmen and Department Heads from 7-9pm.

SUBJECT: Right of way- Bailey Road
PRESENT: Mark Blasko

Mr. Blasko is inquiring ownership of the strip of land under a portion of Bailey Road prior to the relocation after the Route 4 construction project in 1991. This strip of land abuts his property where the Chucksters Entertainment Center is.  The Town does not show title to Bailey Road and preliminary research suggests the land reverts back to the property owners.  Further research will need to be conducted to research land ownership at that time.  In the meantime, the Selectmen do not have an issue with Mr. Blasko cleaning up and adding minor landscaping to that area of land.


Lisa discussed with the Board an updated rental agreement for the Grange Hall, based on refinements the Board has been working on.  Further suggestions were made this evening.  Lisa will finalize the document for adoption next week.

The Board discussed warrant article #34, Selectmen as agents of the Forestry Vehicle Fund and decided to shorten the warrant by one less article and remove it since it was not brought forward by the fire department or forest warden.

The Selectmen received a formal complaint by an employee and directed Lisa to notify the appropriate parties and schedule a meeting for the end of the week.

A brief review of the Safety meeting held on February 8, 2008 was given by Lisa.  The meeting was necessitated by the accident involving a highway plow truck with personal injury to the highway employee.

Selectman MacCleery asked for clarification to last weeks’ minutes regarding annual rental of an excavator.  This rental fee is for a piece of equipment, not necessarily an excavator.  Last year it was for an excavator.

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BOS minutes
February 12, 2008

Lisa passed along a complaint from residents Cavanaugh regarding the highway truck hitting their trashcans. Lisa was asked to respond to the Cavanaugh’s and the Board will follow-up on this ongoing matter.

The remaining correspondence was reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of February 5, 2008, as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery

                                                                                Approved As Corrected